
Université de Caen-Normandie - Campus 1
Bâtiment B - Amphithéâtre HUET 
Esplanade de la Paix - 14000 Caen

Wednesday, November 22nd

1.00 pm: Welcome & registration (Aula Magna)

2.00 pm: Opening by Lamri Adoui, President of the University of Caen Normandie

2.10 pm : Introduction by Thierry Machefert, Deputy Vice-President in charge of Culture and Science-Society Relations

2.15 pm : Introduction by Pauline Landel, PhD, Science with and for Society Project Manager.

2.30 pm: Epistemologies of participatory research

Opening conference - Recherches participatives post-extractivistes et écologie des savoirs / Post-extractivist Participatory Research and the Ecology of Knowledge* by Baptiste Godrie, Professor of Sociology (University of Sherbrooke)

3:30 pm: Workshop / Audience discussion

4:30 pm : Interventions

Les recherches participatives à l’épreuve du commun / Putting the Common Good to the Test in Participatory Research
Mélodie Faury, Associate Professor of Science Studies (University of Strasbourg)

A quoi bon? Pour qui? Complexités de la recherche participative / The Complexities of Participatory Research: What’s the Point? For Whom?
Reiner Keller, Professor of Sociology (University of Augsburg)

Restituer ou re-situer les savoirs ? Penser des espaces citoyens de diffusion des connaissances
Céline Letailleur, formatrice, médiatrice, facilitatrice d'ateliers d'éducation populaire (association Affreux sales et méchants)

Moderator: Marie Dos Santos, Researcher in the Sociology of Health (Sesstim laboratory, Inserm, IRD, Aix-Marseille University)

6pm: Cocktail reception


Thursday, November 23rd

8.45am: Welcome coffee (Aula Magna)

9.30am: Round table - "Evaluation of Participatory Research Programmes".

De la théorie à la pratique… et vice versa: réflexions autour du dispositif Inserm d’amorçage de projets de recherche participative / From Theory to Practice... and Vice Versa: Reflections on the Inserm System for initiating Participatory Research Projects
Patricia Dargent-Molina, Epidemiologist and Public Health Researcher at CRESS (Inserm, Université Paris Cité, Université Sorbonne Paris Nord, INRAE), Member of Inserm's Science and Society Department

Outiller une recherche scientifique responsable: une bonne raison pour experimenter l’auto-évaluation dans les pratiques de recherche participative / Equipping Responsible Scientific Research: A Good Reason to Experiment with Self-Evaluation in Participatory Research Practices
Cyril Fiorini, Sciences Citoyennes Association, Doctor in STS, Associate Researcher (HT2S/Cnam Laboratory)

Concevoir des méthodes d’évaluation formatives pour les recherches participatives / Designing Formative Evaluation Methods for Participatory Research: Issues and Avenues for Discussion
Evelyne Lhoste, National Research Institute for Agriculture and the Environment INRAE-LISIS

Moderator: Fabian Docagne, Inserm Research Director, Head of the Science and Society Department

11.00 am: Public Participation in Research: Data Collection and Production

Un accompagnement méthodique et technique pour produire des données et susciter l’engagement des / Methodical and Technical Support for data Production and Participant Engagement: the MOSAIC Platform

Romain Julliard, Professor (Muséum national d'Histoire Naturelle)

Recherches participatives: enjeux et opportunités / Participatory Research: Challenges and Opportunities
Kenneth Maussang, Senior Lecturer (Institute of Electronics and Systems, University of Montpellier), Member of the "Research Data" College of the Committee for Open Science (CoSO)

Moderator : Nina Colin, PhD Student in Epistemology and STS, University of Strasbourg

12.30pm: Buffet lunch

2.00 pm: Institutionalising the Participatory Dimension of the Human Right to Science*.

Presented by Katja Achermann, University of Fribourg

3.00 pm: Linking Participatory Research and (Scientific) Culture

Bibracte, une interface territoriale de recherche participative pour le Morvan

Flore Coppin, Chef de projet "Incultum" et Roger Goudiard, membre du conseil d'administration du Centre culturel de Bibracte

Envisager de nouveaux modes de production de connaissances pour la recherche à travers des formats de mediation Culturelle / Envisioning New Ways of Producing Knowledge for Research through Cultural Mediation Formats
François Millet, PhD Student, Director of Science and Society Projects at the Dôme, Caen Normandy's Centre for Scientific Culture

Plaisir et jeu dans la participation des publics à des programmes de recherche / Fun and Games for Public Participation in Research Programmes
Vincent Puig, Director of the Institut de Recherche et d'Innovation - IRI at the Centre Pompidou

Moderator: Thierry Machefert, Deputy Vice-President in charge of Culture and the Relationship between Science and Society, Professor of Philosophy at the University of Caen Normandy

5.00/ 7.00 pm: Parallel workshops

1 - Gamification & Participation:

Unlocking Science Engagement through Game Jams: A Collaborative Approach

Presentation by Jérôme Legrix-Pagès, Geography Teacher and Researcher, Director of the CEMU, Deputy Vice-President in charge of Educational Support at the University of Caen Normandie

Venue: Game Lab at the CEMU (University Multimedia Teaching Centre)


2 - Reflective Popularisation Workshops

The Reflective Popularisation Workshops stem from research conducted during Frédéric Naudon's thesis. He organised various types of interactions between experts in a specific field and several non-specialists in that field. Notably, he developed a concept of "laboratory meetings" where a researcher is helped by layperson-neophytes in exploring questions and issues related to their research topics. The findings indicate that these layperson-neophytes can bring a new perspective to the specialist in relation to his subject. Layperson-neophytes serve as sources of cross-disciplinary knowledge, actively engaging through original inquiries, expressing disagreements, and making proposals. Two conditions are essential: layperson-neophytes should not receive prior preparation before their meeting with the specialist(s), and the device must give them a strong status..

We invite you to participate in one of the 3 Workshops on Reflective Popularisation designed  Frédéric Naudon as part of his research, in collaboration with Elise Cellier-Holzem, an independent science mediator, and Lionel Maillot, director of the Experimentarium Network.

Maximum capacity: 30 participants, so don't forget to register!


Friday, November 24th  

8.45am: Welcome coffee (Aula Magna)

9.30am: The Emergence of Participatory Research Approaches

Boutique des Sciences: Expérimenter pour renouveler des formes de recherche et de pédagogie / Boutique des sciences: Experimenting to Renew Forms of Research and Teaching
Hélène Chauveau, Participatory Research Project Manager at Lyon 2 Lumière University, Lyon Science Boutique

Un Living Lab Territorial pour les Transitions Sociales et Ecologiques / A Territorial Living Lab for Social and Ecological Transitions (LTTE)
Danny Lapostolle, Senior Lecturer (HDR) in Spatial and Urban Planning and Member of the UMR Thema (University of Burgundy)

Trait d’Union, un tiers-lieu pour favoriser les synérgies entre science et société / Trait d'Union, A Third Place to Encourage Synergies Between Science and Society
Julien Mary, Doctor of History, IR CNRS, Scientific Advisor to MSH SUD

Savoir faire et savoir être aurour de l’accompagnement à l’émergence de projets de recherche Communautaire / Knowing How and Knowing How to Support the Emergence of Community Research Projects
Marie Préau, Professor of Social Health Psychology, Deputy Director of the "Radiation: Defence, Health, Environment" Inserm Unit

Moderator: François Millet, PD Student, Director of Science and Society Projects at the Dôme, Caen Normandy's Centre for Scientific Culture

11.00 am: Reflecting on the Political Scope of Participatory Research

With a kind contribution from Corinne Lepage, Former minister, Former MEP, Former Professor at the Paris Institute of Political Studies, Founder of CRIIGEN

Le champ des possible: une enquête collective à Sevran / The Field of Possibilities: a Collective Survey in Sevran
Robin de Mourat, Designer and Researcher (médialab laboratory, Sciences Po)

Clémence Seurat, Publisher, Arts Programmer and Associate Member of the Sciences Po médialab
Thomas Tari, Sociologist of science at the médialab and Head of the Centre for the Exploration of Controversies at Sciences Po

Participatory Research and Democracy: The Role of Social Scientists in Times of Democratic Backslash
Luca Verzichelli, PhD (University of Florence), Professor of Political Science at the University of Siena

Moderator: Aymeric Luneau, Sociologist at the médialab (Sciences Po)

12.30pm: Buffet lunch

2.00 pm: Conference-Debate: Science and Participatory Research in Times of Transition (Working Title)

Jean-Baptiste Fressoz, Historian of Science, Technology and the Environment and CNRS Research Fellow

Moderator: Frédérick Lemarchand, Professor of Sociology at the University of Caen Normandie, Director of the CERREV (Centre de recherche sur les risques et les vulnérabilités) and of the Pôle Risques MRSH/CNRS

3.30 - 4.00 pm: Closing



* Simultaneous translation into French will be provided for all presentations given in English.


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